


Jonathan has been admitted to practice law in Taiwan since 2005.  He has experiences in general corporate matters (i.e. board of directors’ and shareholders’ meeting, duties of the directors, supervisors and officers, customer disputes, labor disputes, etc. ), M&As, real estate investment and disputes, and banking.  Especially in banking, Jonathan is very familiar with credit card acquisition and acquiring business (including co-branded cards, merchant agreements, personal data protection, anti-money laundering, etc. ), structured notes and protection of investors’ rights, etc.


  • 公司治理與證券交易法
  • 銀行授信及信用卡業務
  • 期貨、境外結構型商品之投資人權益保護
  • 政府採購爭議處理
  • 房地產投資
  • 電子商務

Areas of Expertise

  • Corporate Governance and Securities Exchange Act
  • Credit Cards and Banking Loan
  • E-Commerce
  • The Investor Right Protection for Futures and Offshore Structured Products
  • Real Estate Investment
  • Government Procurement Dispute Settlement


  • 建澄法律事務所:主持律師
  • 中華民國仲裁協會:仲裁人、金融仲裁人
  • 法律扶助基金會台北、士林分會:法律諮詢委員
  • 中華民國律師公會全國聯合會律師研習所:副執行長
  • 中華民國律師公會全國聯合會非訟程序委員會:副主任委員

Work Experience

  • Managing Attorney, the JUSTrust Law Firm (2011-Present )
  • Deputy Executive Manager, Lawyers Training Institute, Taiwan Bar Association (2013-2015)
  • Vice-Chairman, Non-contentious Matters Committee, Taiwan Bar Association (2014-Present)
  • Senior attorney, Lin and Partners, Attorneys-at-Law (2006-2011)
  • Associate attorney, Lawyer Fong-fu Chen’s Firm (2005-2006)


  • 東吳大學法律系碩士
  • 政治大學法律系學士


  • LL.M., Soochow Law School, Taipei

Thesis Title: Market Discipline and Fund Governance

  • Bachelor of Law, National Chengchi University, Taipei


  • 國立陽明大學「生技產業創新創業人才培育課程」:創業應具有之法律知識,2015
  • 新北市米倉國小、興華國小:104年度人權法治列車法律專題校園巡迴講座,2015
  • 臺北市立龍門國中:名譽的尊重與妨害,2014
  • 行政院科技部「創新創業激勵計畫講座」:錢不是問題--企業融資風險管理案例解析,2014
  • 國立清華大學產學合作營運總中心:錢不是問題--企業融資風險管理案例解析,2013
  • 臺北市立建成國中:法治教育青少年犯罪實例探討,2013
  • 國立交通大學創新育成中心:企業負責人的法律風險——訴訟個案與因應策略,2013
  • 新北市物理治療師公會:「個人資料保護法」實務教戰守則——醫事人員專章,2013
  • 國立交通大學創新育成中心:「個人資料保護法」實務教戰守則——中小企業專章,2012
  • 國立交通大學創新育成中心:錢不是問題--企業融資風險管理案例解析,2012
  • 新北市政府社會局:隱私:核心概念運用與討論,2012
  • 國立陽明大學創新育成中心:融資及併購法,2012
  • 台北市立啟聰學校:生活與法律講座,2011

Public Lectures

Lectures on credit cards, corporate financing, e-commerce’s cash flow, privacy and personal data protection for innovation incubation centers, municipal schools, etc..


  • 銀行公會:研修「金融卡定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」草案,2010
  • 金融監督管理委員會:研擬「金融消費者保護法」草案,2009
  • 銀行公會:研擬「電子票證定型化契約範本暨應記載及不得記載事項」草案,2009
  • 金融監督管理委員會:「研擬整合『金融消費者保護法』相關法令之可行性評估」委託研究計畫,2008
  • 台灣期貨交易所:開放外資得以套利、投機目的從事國內期貨市場交易之研究,2004

Participation of Research Projects

  • Draft Inclusion and Exclusion Items for the Standard Contract of Credit Cards, for the Bankers Association of R.O.C. (2010)
  • Financial Consumer Protection Act Draft, for the Financial Supervisory Commission, the highest authority for financial industries in Taiwan (2009)
  • Draft Inclusion and Exclusion Items for the Standard Contract of Electronic Stored Valued Cards, for the Bankers Association of R.O.C. (2009)
  • Evaluation on the Necessity and Feasibility of Combining Financial Consumer Protection Regulations, for the Financial Supervisory Commission, the highest authority for financial industries in Taiwan (2008)
  • Foreign Capital in Direct Futures Exchange for Non-Arbitrage Ambition, for the Taiwan Futures Exchange (2004-2005)

著 作

  • 為什麼會有「流浪律師」──法學教育及律師考試所面臨問題之探討,全國律師,2014 (共同著作)
  • 無形資產與企業籌資,台灣金融財務季刊,2006 (共同著作)
  • 市場紀律與共同基金治理,東吳大學法律學系碩士論文,2005
  • 併購訊息之揭露義務與證券詐欺責任,軍法專刊,2005
  • 銀行安全網政策與跨足證券事業,台灣經濟金融月刊,2003
  • 解析醫療損害民事責任之歸責事由──過失責任與危險責任的兩個端點(上) (下),軍法專刊,2003
  • 行政裁量與不確定法律概念之區別問題,軍法專刊,1998

Published Papers

  • Why are there Stray Lawyers? Discussions on Legal Education and Bar Exam, National Lawyers, published by Taiwan Bar Association (2014)
  • Intangible Assets and Raising Capital, Taiwan Banking & Finance, published by the Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (2006)
  • Responsibility to Disclose Information on Mergers and Acquisitions and Liability of Security Fraud, Military Law Journal, published by the Ministry of National Defense (2005)
  • The Safety Net Policy for Banks and their Management in Securities Business, Taiwan Economic and Monetary, published by the Bank of Taiwan, which acted as Taiwan’s Central Bank (2003)
  • Analyzing the Civil Liabilities Elements in Medical Negligence – between the Poles of Negligence and Risk, Military Law Journal, published by the Ministry of National Defense (2003)
  • Issues on the Difference between Administrative Discretions and Indefinite Concepts, Military Law Journal, published by the Ministry of National Defense (1998)